Thursday 16 February 2012

f e b r u a r y s i x t e e n t h

Eating sliced grapes is a toddlers version of heaven.


  1. I love the background. Is it a curtain? It's so graphic and awesome. (And it's set off perfectly by the yellow.) I especially love the tiny bit of reflection you caught in the table.

    And a super excellent perfect job with the text, my dear.

    She's so darling. What is she eating?

    1. Yes, it's a big piece of fabric from Ikea. I loved the pattern when I first saw it. We have another curtain next to it in the opposite effect, with a black background and white designs. They're fun in photos!
      Thank you for the compliment on my text. Tee hee. I had fun with that one.

      She's eating sliced grapes. :)
